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Kompozition provides customer success experts / residents to support your journey toward fully digital, model-based systems engineering practices.

Unmatched support for success

The adoption of Model-Based Systems Engineering and Digitial Mission Engineering practices is often considered difficult, requiring significant training.  It is very rarely adopted on in-flight projects despite the ability to make a real difference to outcomes.​

Kompozition provides expert Systems Engineers and Business Analysts trained in the use of the Kompozition Platform to augment and support your team in adopting Digital Engineering practices using the Kompozition Platform. This reduces the barrier for entry for your organisation in getting the best outcome from Kompozition.​

A person working on a laptop PC
Implementation of model based Systems

Leverage the benefits of the transition to a model-based approach with Kompozition

In-flight programs using traditional document-based engineering practices can benefit greatly from a transition to a model-based approach.  Kompozition can accelerate and assure that transition.

Kompozition practitioners can use the Kompozition platform to:​

  • Ingest the existing documentation (capability definitions, operational concept documents, function and performance specifications, and design specifications) and put it under formal management within the Kompozition platform with each document object being uniquely identifiable and traceable/linkable (as per a traditional requirements/specification management systems).​

  • Parse the natural language to identify and capture (in the model) functions, services, behaviours, resources/information/data, interfaces, relationships and dependencies all inter-related and traced to the respective document objects.​

  • This yields:​

    • A Behavioural Model describing all of the functional behaviours at the same level of fidelity defined in the source documentation, integrated into operationally significant end-to-end behavioural processes. This behavioural model also allocates behaviours to system and human performers as required by the documentation and relates behaviour to the functional architecture and domain model implicit within the documentation. The behavioural model directly maps to critical operational scenarios and vignettes. ​

    • A functional architecture describing the capabilities and functions identified in the source documentation ​

    • An interface register mapping to the source document clauses that define requirements for each interface, and mapped to interface use as a part of the Behavioural Model. ​

    • As specified System Breakdown with allocation to the Functional Architecture and Behavioural Model (at the level of detail specified in the source documents) ​

    • System level performance (and MOE, MOP, COI) apportioned at the system level ​

    • Uncertainty/issues mapped to all relevant model elements and the respective requirements.​

  • This navigable knowledge-graph representation can then be used to understand the context and constraints that shape the design and the function and performance required of the design, enabling the designer to:​

    • Capture the proposed solution elements and interfaces at all levels of detail from Solution Architecture through to Detailed Design and Configuration Design refining the system breakdown, functional architecture, allocation, apportionment and trace.  ​

    • Trade design decisions​

    • Manage Release Planning ​

    • Map test and evaluation activities to the contract and to the designed solution elements​

    • Map the outcomes of test and evaluation activities to the configurations being tested through the design, architecture and contract right back to the operational intent.​


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Kompozition enables the creation of digital data and digital connectivity that can be leveraged to integrate

a system’s design, development, delivery, and full life cycle support into a more agile, higher-performance

product value stream than would be possible using a traditional Systems Engineering framework This is

achieved due to Kompozition providing native support for Digital Engineering.


 The Behaviour Modelling Language implemented by the Kompozition Platform enables practitioners to capture operational behavioural expectations and constraints directly, resulting in an integrated digital representation of the sequences of events and activities that define an enterprise's mission threads and context.

This high-fidelity representation captures sufficient detail to enable the generation of function and performance requirements sets, functional architecture, interface registers, and acceptance criteria at the level of detail defined by the model, including all of the traceability and linking between these artefacts.

The platform also supports the identification and recording of uncertainties, ambiguities and assumptions - enabling programs to iteratively and incrementally drive conversations to manage such uncertainty to resolution as more information becomes known.

As described above, the resulting model can then be used to understand the context and constraints that shape the design enabling solution engineers to develop and link architecture and design, and the evaluation of that design, back to the operational need and contract requirements.

Let's work smarter together

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